Previous Works

Graphic Design
These are a series of graphic design projects I have done over the past 3 years in attendance at ETSU. Many of them are politically and socially charged while some of them are just for fun. The practice of creating a logo from scratch as well learning to research the product I was creating strengthened my graphic design skills

Senior Capstone Project
Over the span of my senior year I had went around campus with a cardboard sign that said "Do you have Religious Trauma?" This would prompt people to come up to me and ask about the sign. If they were willing they would anonymously tell me about their Religious Trauma while I recorded their voice. I would later on take that audio and pair it with visuals to play at the Reece Museum.

As an 11th birthday present my aunt had gotten me a digital point and shoot camera. This small camera fueled my interest in photography and led me to experiment in self-portraiture. Later on I started to photograph people and what I learned allowed me get to get the best composed shots I could.
These are various different class projects completed in a few different mediums.